This c1948 Ford 8N will need a fuel tank, the engine is not stuck and turns over by hand. Good project tractor for restoration Only £1350
1926 T comes will UK V5C
This little Ransomes MG2 tractor is currently fitted with a B&S engine. And comes with the majority of part and original engine that could be reinstall as the new owner discretion. We have not try to run it as is and look to be an interesting project or exhibit.
Unrestored car Age related Uk registered
Running tractor
Run and drives, showing signs of being a older restoration but look to be sound underneath, hand brake needs attention
Runs well older restoration probably would benefit from some TLC. UK age related registered and comes with a V5C. Made March/April 1925
Nice steel cabbed Running and driving TT. UK age related registered and comes with a V5C. Built January 1926
New engines have arrived
Potato Riddle